Resisting Structural Evil: Love as Ecological-Economic Vocation

Winner of a Nautilus Book Award
This is a grand prophetic book motivated by love and focused on justice – social justice, ecological justice and dignity for “the least of these.” Don’t miss it!
– Cornel West
Cynthia Moe-Lobeda’s Resisting Structural Evil: Love as Ecological and Economic Vocation takes the form of a powerful contribution to Christian ethics, but in fact it is also a major contribution to anyone in any religious or spiritual tradition who seeks to maintain both a commitment to God and to global… read more
– Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor, Tikkun
Cynthia Moe-Lobeda’s book is one of the strongest statements yet to be made on the intricate connections between ecology and justice. The powerful stories and persuasive arguments lay the groundwork for the necessary transformations ahead. it will be a catalyst for change!
– Mary Evelyn Tucker, Director, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
“Those of us (myself included) who know our excessive consumption is causing ecological and economic disasters should read Professor Moe-Lobeda’s new book. It is the best one-volume analysis of our moral dilemma I know of and, even better, it suggests principles and practices to help deal with it.”
– Sallie McFague, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor of Theology Emerita, Vanderbilt
About the Book
The increasingly pressing situation of Planet Earth poses urgent ethical questions. The earth crisis cannot be understood apart from the larger human crisis—economic equity, racial justice, social values, and human purpose are bound up with the planet’s survival. With climate change, humankind hovers on a precipice. A “great work” is before us: To forge ways of living together that allow Earth’s life-systems to flourish and that diminish the soul-shattering gap between those who have too much and those who have too little. For this – the testing point of human history— all forms of human knowledge have a role to play.
About the Author
Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, a well-known Lutheran ethicist, holds a joint appointment at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and Church Divinity School of the Pacific. She is a member of the Core Doctoral Faculty of the Graduate Theological Union.
Dr. Moe-Lobeda has lectured or consulted in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Oceania, and many parts of North America in theological ethics addressing matters of climate justice as related to race and class, economic globalization, moral agency and hope, public church, faith-based resistance to systemic injustice, and ethical implications of resurrection and incarnation. Her ethical approach weds Earth ethics to liberation theologies including eco-feminist theology.
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